Tuesday, February 25, 2020

EN1331 stopsubsidies for the coal industry

EN1331 signatures close 25/3/20. You can sign here - https://www.aph.gov.au/petition_list?id=EN1331

  • Reason: The country is suffering great angst about coal. Is it good, is it bad, should we mine it or should we leave it in the ground. One of the biggest problems facing this country is the amount of government money, aka tax dollars, flowing to the coal mining companies in the forms of subsidies, interest free loans, grants etc. Subsidies to the coal industry are made by the federal government and state governments but with the likes of COAG a coordinated approach could be made to free the coal industry to allow it to operate with no governmental financial constraints. Some authorities put the amount of money given to the coal industries as being in the vicinity of twenty nine billion dollars. Stopping those subsidies to the coal industry would allow the industry to operate in a free market which I believe is one of the basic ideological tenets of our government. The money saved would be ideal for expenditure in our regions or in financing the ABC properly.
  • Request: We therefore ask the House to coordinate with the states stopping all subsidies, loans and grants to coal companies to allow them to operate in a free market.

Feeling generous? Buy me a beer or a coffee, Paypal me.

EN1348 drug & alcohol testing for MPs

EN1348  signatures until 25 March 2020 and you can sign here :- https://www.aph.gov.au/petition_list?id=EN1348

  • Reason: Social Services Minister Anne Ruston is considering bringing in drug testing for Newstart recipients. Newstart recipients get tax payer dollar while they look for work. Members of parliament get tax payer dollar working for the community. There should be no real difference between what happens to Newstart recipients and to our elected representatives. Most major corporations throughout the world have some form of drug testing and alcohol testing for their highly paid staff. Generally for the larger companies compulsory testing starts with a salary of $80,000 per annum. Our members of parliament get paid from about $200,000 per annum.and up.
  • Request: We therefore ask the House to institute drug and alcohol testing for members of parliament. Daily while in Canberra and randomly when not in Canberra. 

Feeling generous? Want to buy me a beer or a coffee?  Paypal me. 

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

EN1133 ban internal combustion engines

  • Reason: The British Prime Minister Boris Johnson has announced that Britain will ban all new internal combustion engine vehicles by 2035. Britain allows the sale of cheap electric vehicles made in Europe, China, India, the USA, we dont. Our electric vehicles seem to be limited to the elitist versions, the most expensive versions so that those in control of the country can keep the quiet Australians from having a quiet car that doesn't use petrol. This may be to the major political parties getting major donations form the fossil fuel industries. If we ban the internal combustion engine we no longer have manufacturing industries that would be affected. the service industries could easily switch to electric vehicles.
  • Request: We therefore ask the House to allow the sale of cheap electric vehicle from all corners of the world and to ban the sale of internal combustion engine vehicles by 2025.
Your petition was considered by the Standing Committee on Petitions at a recent meeting, and was found to meet the petition requirements. It is now available for signature online.
Signatures open: 12/02/2020
Signatures close: 11/03/2020

Post your signatures are here:-

If you would like to buy me a cup of coffee or a beer, please Paypal me.  Goodonya and thanks

Dummy Spitting

Way back when at the now defunct Arafura Bowls club in Darwin the New Years Eve party would have a dummy spitting competition for all of the members who spat the dummy and left the club.

We on the committee would line up with a dummy for each member to see how far the dummy could actually be spat.  All good fun and a middle finger for the dummy spitters.

Parliament in Australia has done a massive dummy spit thanks to Llew O'Brien.

It required a petition so here it is.  The Petition hasn't been approved by the petitions committee yet, I am unsure if Llew quit the job as chair of the committee before he became deputy Speaker in the House.

  • Reason: This week saw a ridiculous situation where a Queenslander, elected to parliament as a member of the LNP in Queensland spat the dummy and quit sitting with the Nationals in their party room. It makes a sham of what we do in Queensland. We either vote for the LNP or not. It shouldn't then be up to the whim of the MP to decide if they will be a National or a Liberal in parliament. Our dummy spitter decided he wouldn't be either National or Liberal, surely he must go to the Liberals if he was elected as an LNP MP or renounce his membership of the LNP and be just an independent? Relying on the whim of an individual to decide who they will represent in Parliament rather than on the vote of the electorate is not democracy. MPs are elected as LNP members and must represent the LNP in parliament.
  • Request: We therefore ask the House to order the members of the LNP to be listed as a separate party within Parliament. 

If you want to buy me a coffee or a beer for this and other petitions, you can
PayPal me.

  Goodonya and thanks if you do.